Zillow Pilot Project

Add BoomTown to ZPP Integration

Written by Amanda | Jun 14, 2022 10:08:54 PM





  • You must have a BoomTown subscription plan of Grow or Advanced.

  • The Login for BoomTown must have an Owner/Admin role.





1. If you are not already, login to the Real Synch dashboard and click + Add Integration:



2. Select BoomTown as your Source and Zillow Premier Agent as your Target:



3. Click Connect on the BoomTown icon and click Verify:




4. A new tab will open and prompt you to login to BoomTown (again, you must login with an Owner/Admin role):



5. Grant Real Synch access to your team's BoomTown API:



6. When re-directed back to the Integration page, click Close:



7. On the Zillow icon, click Connect, Generate API Key, and Close:



8. On the lower right side of the screen, click Next and Activate:



9. Click OK when prompted to Agree to Terms of Service for the Pilot project:



10. Finally, click OK when prompted that your Integration was successfully activated:



Grab a cup of Coffee! You created a BoomTown to ZPP integration and you are DONE!