Sierra Interactive to Sisu Integration Features

Any tag added to a lead in Sierra Interactive that is also enabled in your Integration's Target Options will trigger the integration to create or update a Transaction in Sisu:
Buyer Tags:

Seller Tags:

For example, adding the Signed tag to a lead in Sierra Interactive will create a Transaction in Sisu and increment the Buyers Signed dial by one:

You can also create custom tags to match the Sierra tags you want to use. Once a new tag is added in your Integration, you can delete the preset tag (please see video below).
Note: Adding multiple Tags to a given Lead in Sierra before applying can sometimes result in the creation of duplicate Transactions in Sisu. To prevent this type of behavior, select one Tag and apply, then select a second Tag and apply.
**If they add (B) APPT SET tag and the Buyer agent is unassigned or their email doesn’t match a SISU user - the transaction will not be created. And they will have to assign or reassign and then re-tag**
Setup: Sierra Interactive to Sisu Integration